‘English Roseum’ Rhododendron catawbiense Native selection
Pink blooms (mid May), 6-8 ft, very tough, best overall for survival. Site: as with all rhododendrons we recommend partial shade, good drainage, acidic
mulch and mounding.
# 3 24.
B&B 4ft 55.
Rosebay rhododendron R. maximum Native
Pale pink blooms (June), 4-15 ft, very tough, found throughout the east. Site: moist, acidic soil, and shade.
B&B 4 ft 55.
B&B 5 ft. 65.
Carolina rhododendron R. carolinianum Native
Flowers (May) pale pink to lilac with smaller leaves, compact 3-5 ft., beautiful native.
B&B 60.
‘Vulcan’s Flame’
Bright red flowers, compact. Site:well drained, acidic soil, partial shade.
# 1 14.
# 2 16.
‘Nova Zembla’
Deep red blooms, 5 ft., hardy and tough, attractive, vigorous, and heat tolerant.
# 3 24.
Native Azaleas
Most native azaleas are available in the following sizes and prices.
#1 14.
#3 24-27.
B&B 65.
Flame azalea Rhod. calendulaceum Native
Bright orange gold flowers (May), 5-8 ft., mountain native, wonderful for a woodland edge. Site: native azaleas need semi-shade and good drainage.
Pinkshell azalea R.. vaseyi Native
Delicate pink flowers (April), 6-8 ft., tough native.
Sweet azalea R. arborescens Native
White flowers with red stamens (May-July), 5-8 ft, very fragrant, elegant native of the mountains and piedmont.
Pinxsterbloom azalea R. periclymenoides Native
Pale pink blooms (April), 5-8 ft., a great plant for naturalizing, spreads throughout an area.
Southern Flame azalea R. austrinum Native
Yellow gold flowers (April), 6-8 ft., Piedmont native, brilliant in spring. One of the easiest native azaleas to grow.
Piedmont azalea R. canescens Native
Beautiful pink blush flowers (March - mid April), Piedmont native with a wonderful frangrace, 5-8 ft., very easy to grow.
Coastal Azalea R. atlanticum Native
Also available selections: ‘Fragrant Star’ and ‘Marydell’
Wonderfully fragrant white flowers, occurring just before the leaves (April), 3-6 ft, compact and spreading.
Plumleaf azalea R. prunifolium Native
Bright red-orange flowers (July-August), 6-8 ft., Piedmont native, heat tolerant, requires proper siting.
# 1 16.
Misc. Azaleas
‘Gibralter’ ‘Exbury’ flame azalea hybrid Native cross
Brilliant flame-orange flowers (May), 5-8 ft., eye catching specimen, hardy and vigorous. Site: partial shade and well drained soil.
# 3 27.
Evergreen Azaleas
‘Delaware Valley White’ Glenn Dale Hybrid
White flowers blooming mid season, evergreen, cold hardy, partial sun.
# 3 20.
‘Gumpo White’ & ‘Gumpo Pink’ Satsuki Hybrid
Dwarf, late white or pink flowers with evergreen foliage, hardy and sun tolerant.
# 3 20.
‘Hino Red’ Japanese azalea
Beautiful red flowered selection of evergreen azalea.
# 3 20
Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifoila
Mountain laurel are available in the following size and price.
#1 12.50
‘Sarah’ Native
Red budded (May), 5 ft., most beautiful selection, flower opens pink-rose, very hardy. Site: like all Kalmia, part shade, good drainage, mulching and mounding, prefer native soil.
‘Snowdrift’ Native
Compact white, 5 ft., tough native selection.
‘Carousel’ Native
Bulls-eye banded (burgundy bloom), 6 ft., though and vigorous with upright habit.
Andromeda Pieris
‘Mountain Fire’ Pieris japonica
White bell shaped blooms (March-April) in dense clusters, beautiful in early spring, red edges on new foliage, evergreen, 4-6 ft. Requires excellant drainage and shade
# 3 24.
Dog Hobble Leucothoe sp.
‘Nana’ Leucothoe fontanesiana Native
Dark evergreen foliage, handsome 2 ft. high and 5 ft. wide plant, great for shady areas.
# 1 10.
Dog hobble L. fontanesiana ‘Axillaris’ Native
Glossy dark evergreen leaves, larger than ‘Nana’, delicate white flowers (April- May), burgundy fall color, great for naturalizing.
# 1 10.
Schip Laurel Prunus laurocersus
Schip laurel Prunus laurocersus ‘ Schipkaensis’
Dark evergreen, narrow leaves, the hardiest of cherry laurels, 4-6 ft. and spreading.
B&B 3-4 ft. 48.
Summersweet Clethra sp.
‘Hummingbird’ Clethra alnifolia Native
Wonderfully fragrant white flowers (all July), golden yellow leaves in fall, compact 30-40 inches high, and spreading. Great for shrub border in shady or wet areas.
# 1 10.
‘Ruby Spice’ Clethra alnifolia Native
Fragrant pink spires, grows up to 5-6 ft., spreading. Also terrific for shady or wet areas.
# 1 10.
Cinnamon Bark clethra Clethra acuminata Native
Fragrant white flowers (April), mountain native with red peeling bark, tough, likes moist sites.
# 1 12.
# 3 22.
B&B 60.
Virginia Sweetspire Itea virginica
‘Henry’s Garnet’ Itea virginica Native
Sweet, white flowers (May), 3-5 ft., bright bronze red in fall (deciduous), weeping mound. Site: filtered sun.
# 1 11.
Smooth hydrangea Hydrangea arboresens Native
Available selections: ‘Annabelle’
White hydrangea blooms (June-Sept.), 4 ft., very tough and attractive. Site: filtered sun.
# 3 22.
‘Alice’ Oakleaf hydrangea H. quercifolia Native
Large white blooms, 8-10 ft., superior selection, beautiful fall color, disease resistant and tough. Great for a natural screen!
# 1 12.50
# 3 21.
# 5 25.
‘Snow Queen’ Oakleaf H. quercifolia Native
Dense white flowers gaining a pinkish hue as they mature, compact 5-6 ft, impressive and beautiful plant for the landscape.
# 1 12.50
# 3 22.
‘Snowflake’ Oakleaf H. quercifolia Native
White double flowered panicles, beautiful, 7-8 ft. at maturity, amazing fall color.
# 1 12.50
# 3 22.
‘Peewee’ Oakleaf H. quercifolia Native
Compact form, 2-3 ft., smaller leaves and white flowers, beautiful fall color.
# 1 12.50
# 3 21.
‘Nantucket’ Bigleaf hydrangea H. macrophylla
Large blue or pink flowers and large glossy leaves, open and airy, tough and soil adaptable. A Heritage hydrangea.
# 3 20.
# 5 25.
Tardiva hydrangea H. paniculata
Large pinkish blooms (August), 5-8 ft., upright, superior form.
# 3 22.
Witherod V. cassinoides Native
Creamy white flowers (June) in flat cymes, 5-6 ft., beautiful fall color, amazing fruit changing colors from green to pink, then red to blue, great for birds.
# 1 12.50
# 3 21.
Arrowwood V. dentatum Native
Cream colored flowers (May- early June), toothed leaves, 6-8 ft., great plant for conservation areas. Site: soil adaptable, can handle wet.
# 1 10.50
# 3 20.
‘Mohawk Korean Spice’ viburnum V. carlesii
Fragrant large white trusses (May), 5-6 ft., compact, highly ornamental, tough, and disease resistant.
# 3 25.
# 5 32.
‘Shasta’ viburnum V. plicatum var. tom.
Double rows of white flowers (April), 6 ft., ornamental and tough, deep fall color, bright red berries, and disease resistant. Site: tolerates sun and wet.
# 3 20.
# 5 25.
‘Newport’ viburnum V. plicatum var. tom.
Dense and mounded, compact, 5-6 ft., white snowball like flowers are nestled among foliage, very nice plant.
# 3 22.
Sweet Shrub and Spice bush
Carolina sweet shrub Calycanthus floridus Native
Dense, bushy shrub, tough and adaptable, perfect burgundy to maroon flowers (May-June), wonderful fruity fragrance, amazing native plant for the landscape. Site: transplants easily and spreads.
# 1 12.
Carolina spicebush Lindera Native
Native host plant for butterflies, fragrant and attractive, likes moisture.
. #1 14
St. John’s Wort Hypericum sp.
‘Sunburst’ St. John’s Wort Hypericum frondosum Native
Rounded shrub, 4 ft.. high, yellow fluffy blooms cover the plant (June-July), bluish green foliage, evergreen, exfoliating bark, medicinal. Great all season shrub.
# 1 11.
# 3 22.
Hearts-A-Bustin’ Euonymus americanus
Hearts-A-Bustin’ Euonymus americanus Native
Loose suckering shrub with small bright green leaves, subtle flowers producing beautiful scarlet pink fruits which ‘bust’ open revealing bright orange seeds, great plant to feed birds and the soul!
# 1 12.
‘Mt. Airy’, Witch alder Fothergilla gardenii Native
White bottlebrush blooms (April), honey scented, 4 ft., brilliant gold- red fall color, tough, compact piedmont native. Great all season plant. Site: moist conditions, tolerates sun and wet.
# 1 11.
# 3 20.
Blueberry Vaccinium sp. Native
Most blueberries are available in the following sizes and prices.
# 1 10.
# 2 12.50
Early season, large 25 cent size, sweet berries, upright grower.
Large fruits, vigorous and productive.
Mid season, hardy, upright, and vigorous grower. Good combination with ‘Bluecrop’.
Mid season, hardy and drought tolerant variety, good fruit. Good combination with
Late season, vigorous, upright, and highly productive. An old favorite.
‘Sunshine Blue’
Late season, compact variety, productive with sweet fruit.
Fruit Trees
Serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis Native
White flowers (late March), with red, juicy, sweet fruit, upright and spreading, 6-20 ft.,a beautiful native tree. Also called Juneberry.
# 1 12.
# 3 22.
# 5/7 30.
B&B 60.
Paw Paw Asimina triloba Native
Possibly the most elusive and delicious of all native fruits! Banana-mango custard flavored kiwi size fruits, purple blooms (mid May), multi stemmed trunk, suckering habit with tropical appearance. A butterfly host plant.
# 1 14.
# 3 24.
Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Native
Whitish flowers(May-June), delightfully fragrant, large edible orange berries ripen in September providing food for you and your wildlife!
# 3 24.
Fig Ficus sp.
Delicious purple brown fruit, interesting textured addition to the landscape, slightly more cold tolerant. Site: protected area.
# 3 24.
# 5 30.
Elderberry Sambucus canadensis Native
Flat topped, airy white flowers, edible purple-black fruits good in jellies, jams, or for the birds, fast growing, 5-8 ft.
# 1 11.
# 3 20.
Maples Acer sp.
‘Dancing Peacock’ Full moon Japanese maple Acer japonica
Distinctive in flower, leaf, and form, striking red fall color, up to 12 ft. Wes says ‘Incredible!”
# 1 20.
‘Bloodgood’ Japanese maple A. palmatum var. atropurpurea graft
The standard red leafed, tall (up to 20 ft.) Japanese maple, considered the easiest to grow. Site: partial shade, good drainage.
# 1 20.
# 3 30. - 45.
B&B 120. -150.
‘Red select’ ‘Inabeshidara’ Japanese maple
The best of the dwarf, red, weeping Japanese maples,exquisite in shade and leaf, brilliant fall color.
# 1 24.
# 3 50.
Medium, upright, green laceleaf variety, umbrella form, dogwood size, 8-15 ft. bright red fall color.
# 3 50.
Dwarf, weeping waterfall of green laceleaf, beautiful foliage, form, and fall color (5 ft.).
# 1 24.
# 3 55.
Red maple Acer rubra Native
‘Autumn Blaze’ is a beautiful orange to red fall color, fast growing, 40-60 ft., drought tolerant. Excellent selection. The straight species is great for conservation areas and very tolerate to wetter sites.
B&B 8 ft. 75. - 90.
Buckeye Aesculus sp.
Bottlebrush buckeye Aesculus parviflora Native
Magnificent large, white flower spikes (July-August), 8-12 ft., attractive, low spreading form, tough, large nuts provide food for wildlife (bears love them!). Site: adaptable, prefers shade.
# 3 21.
# 5 25.
B&B 50.
Buckeyes cont.
Red buckeye Aesculus pavia Native
Bright red flower spikes (April), 8-20 ft., handsome specimen tree or bush, grows taller and more dense in sun with adequate moisture., provides food for wildlife.
# 1 12.50
# 3 21.
# 5 25.
Redbud Cercis canadensis
Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis Native
One of the best flowering shade trees, purple flowers in early spring (April), 15-20 ft., tough and fast growing.
# 3 22
B&B 6-8 ft. 60.-75.
‘Weeping traveler’ C. canadensis Native
Weeping version of the native redbud, beautiful and delicate, great specimen for any landscape.
# 5, 7 75. - 90.
Fringe Tree Chionanthus virginicus
Fringe tree Chionanthus virginicus Native
The native Grandaddy Greybeard, white strap like flowers (May) with a slight fragrance, 8-12 ft., open habit, slow growing Heritage plant, very handsome.
# 3 25
# 5/7 35.
B&B 65. - 75.
Dogwood Cornus sp.
Pagoda dogwood C. alternafolia Native
Yellow-white flowers (May), beautiful green bark, distinctive horizontal branching, great for naturalizing and feeding wildlife.
# 3 27.50
# 5/7 35. -45.
Silky dogwood C. amomum Native
Native to streams and swamps, great shrub for wet areas, yellow white flowers (May-June), attractive blue fruit for wildlife, 8-12 ft.
# 1 10.
‘Appalachian Spring’ dogwood C. florida Native
Spectacular white flowered dogwood (April-May), 15-24 ft., glossy red fruit for birds in fall, our best selling native tree. Disease resistant from UTN.
# 5 30.
# 7 36.
‘Cherokee Brave’ dogwood C. florida Native
Blushed red flowers (April-May) on a handsome and tough tree, 15-24 ft, vigorous grower, great selection, beautiful fall color. Disease resistant.
# 5 30.
# 7 36.
B&B 60.-75.
‘Cherokee Princess’ dogwood C. florida Native
Old favorite of the native dogwoods, beautiful white flowers in early spring.
B&B 60.-75.
Kousa dogwood C. kousa
White star like dogwood blooms (late May), 20-30 ft., one of the most beautiful ornamental flowering trees with an upright habit, red fall color.
# 5 30.
Beech Fagus sp.
American beech Fagus grandifolia Native
Beautiful native tree for larger areas, smooth gray bark and golden fall color, holding orange leaves through the winter, 50-70 ft.
# 1 14.
# 3 30.
B&B 120.
Franklinia Franklinia altamaha
Franklinia Native
The special native ‘Franklin’ tree, very rare, camellia like blooms in August, silver bark, and beautiful fall color.
# 1 18.
# 3 30.
B&B 7-8 ft. 90.
Silverbell Halesia sp.
Carolina silverbell Halesia tetraptera Native
(formerly H. carolina) White bells in early spring (April-May), striped bark, very attractive, subtly beautiful under story tree, 30-40 ft. Beautiful alternative to dogwoods.
# 1 15.
# 5 35.
# 7 45.
B&B 70. - 90.
Piedmont silverbell Halesia diptera Native
Beautiful, small tree 20-30 ft., later in flower than the Carolina silverbell but with similar white bells, attractive striped bark.
# 1 15.
# 3 25.
# 5 35.
Witch hazel Hamamelis sp.
Witch hazel Hamamelis virginiana Native
Late fall/winter blooms, yellow strap like and fragrant, beautiful branching, small tree 20 ft., nice plant for naturalizing.
# 3 24.
B&B 60.
Holly Ilex sp.
American holly Ilex opaca Native
The most handsome of all the native hollies, gorgeous silver bark, evergreen leaves, and red berries in winter, 30-40 ft. Beautiful specimen.
call for availability
Winterberry holly Illx verticilata Native
‘Winter red’-female ‘Southern Gentleman’-male
Upright or multi-stemmed, attractive dark green foliage (deciduous), abundant red berries on females, 6-10 ft. Great for the birds.
# 1 11.
# 3 21.
Crape Myrtle Laegerstromia sp.
Crape myrtle
Handsome asian tree with beautiful summer flowers and smooth bark, 15-20 ft.
# 3 21.
Cucumber magnolia Magnolia acuminata Native
Large, native magnolia, handsome shape, leaves, and flower (40-60 ft.), good fruit for wildlife.
# 7 35.
Fraser magnolia M. fraseri Native
Special mountain, big-leafed variety, beautiful flowers and open habit, grows up to 70 ft.
# 1 15.
Southern magnolia M. grandiflora Native
The evergreen, Piedmont native, beautiful fragrant flowers (summer), attractive shape and leaves, hardy selections, grows up to 60 ft.
# 3 24.
# 7 70.
Big leaf magnolia M. macrophylla Native
Wonderful bigleaf variety from the Piedmont, huge leaves, flowers, and open habit, very distinctive, grows up to 60 ft.
# 3 24.
‘Royal Star’ and ‘Waterlily’ magnolia M. stellata hybrid
Beautiful asian magnolia, compact bush form (20 ft.), fragrant flowers (April).
# 3 24.
Sweetbay magnolia M. virginiana Native
Wonderfully fragrant piedmont native magnolia, white flowers (June-July), blue leaves, open bushy form (14-24 ft.).
# 1 15.
# 3 25.
Japanese stewartia Stewartia pseudocamelia
Gorgeous Asian, deciduous tree with camellia flowers (June-July), beautiful structure, exfoliating bark, and wonderful fall color. A great specimen tree (25-40 ft.)
# 3 27.50
# 5 45.
B&B 130.
Snowbell Styrax sp.
Japanese snowbell S. japonica
Compact asian tree with beautiful white snowbells (May), handsome leaves anf fruit.
# 5/7 30. - 35.
B&B 65. -90
Fragrant snowbell S. obassia
Fragrant Japanese variety of snowbell, large panicles of white flowers(June), very distinctive in flower, leaf and form. A horticultural rarity.
# 3 27.50
# 5 35.
Japanese mountain cedar Cryptomeria japonica
“The cedars of Japan” Soft, evergreen foliage makes this a special tree for the landscape, beautiful bark and fast growing (30 ft.-large tree).
# 1 12.50
# 3 25.
Eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana Native
Tough, evergreen native, bluish needles, with moderate growth, good for a green screen or for feeding wildlife.
# 3 22.50
Dawn redwood Metaseqouia glyptostroboides
Chinese heritage redwood, fast growing (up to 60 ft.), tough, and beautiful in bark, leaf, and form. (deciduous)
# 3 24.
# 7 40.
Bald cypress Taxodium distichum Native
Fast growing piedmont native, great form and deciduous leaves, easy to establish and loves moisture, grows 60-100 ft.
# 3 22
# 7 40
Climbing hydrangea Decumaria barbara Native
The climbing rock hydrangea of the Smokies, attractive flowers, happy and handsome on stonewalls.
# 2 14.
Coral honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens Native
Tough native vine with beautiful red and gold flower, evergreen and fast growing. Attracts hummingbirds.
# 1 12.50
‘Amethyst falls’ native wisteria Wisteria fructens Native
Southern wisteria with lilac colored blooms, well behaved native for trellises, and easy to grow.
# 1 14.
# 3 24.
Perennials add accents of color and interest to any landscape. They are available in one gallon sizes with the following price.
# 1 10.
Black cohosh Actaea racemosa Native
Delicate and airy foliage with white flowers (mid summer). Wonderful for shady gardens.
quart 5.
Little blue star Amsonia hubrichtii Native
Delicate steel blue flowers (May-June), upright and spreading, beautiful fall color.
Columbine Aquilegia canadensis Native
Red flowers with yellow centers (April), wonderful woodland native.
Woodland aster Aster divaricatus Native
Compact, spreading white aster. Great for shady, dry spaces.
False blue indigo Baptisia australis Native
Blue pea-like flowers (May) on spikes form a 3-4 ft bush. Wonderful and fast growing.
Northern river oats Chasmanthium latifolium Native
Compact river cousin of sea oats. Attractive drooping seed, good for erosion control and wildlife.
Green and Gold Chrysogonum virginiana Native
Evergreen ground cover with golden flowers (April-June and September-October).
Purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea Native
Easy to grow, purple petals with gold centers (July-August), drought tolerant.
Joe Pye weed Eupatorium fistulosum (seedling sel.) Native
Large mauve flower heads (July-September), meadows, moist thickets, and roadsides.
Swamp sunflower Helianthus angustifolius Native
Beautiful yellow disks covering a tall upright plant (late summer-to frost), can handle moisture.
Dwarf crested iris Iris cristata Native
Great ground cover for shade with its purple delicate flowers (April-May).
quart 5.
Blazing star, Gayfeather Liatris spicata Native
Meadow flower, upright purple spikes (July-August). A show stopper in bloom.
Cardinal flower Lobelia cardinalis Native
Beautiful red spikes, (July-August) moist, shady woods.
Allegheny spurge Pachysnadra procumbens Native
Attractive ground cover for shady areas, white spike flowers in early spring.
quart 5.
‘Shenandoah’ Switch grass Panicum virgatum Native
Tough, native grass for poor soil and full sun, handsome year round erosion control.
Woodland phlox Phlox divaricata Native
Bright pink flowers (mid spring), beautiful spreading plant.
Creeping phlox Phlox stolonifera Native
Blue flowers (early spring) on a wonderful spreading groundcover.
Soloman’s Seal Polygonatum biflorum Native
Elegant shade perennial, drooping habit, bell like flowers (April-June), loves moist woods.
quart 5.
Goldstrum’ Black eyed susan Rudbeckia fulgida Native
Compact black eyed susan (July-Septmeber), dense and high flowering. Great golden show in masses.
Black eyed susan Rudbeckia fulgida (seedling sel.) Native
A tall growing black eyed susan (July-August), high flowering, drought tolerant and tough.
We maintain a small selection of native ferns, mainly Maidenhair, Lady, and Christmas ferns. Please call for availability.